Daikin mini splits are available in a wide array of single & multi zone mini-split ductless (and ducted) heat pump options for homes, small spaces and large apartment complexes.
DAIKIN is a global HVAC manufacturer (located in Japan *) & is highly regarded by contractors, architects/specifiers, & customer for its reliability, performance and quality.
How Much Does A Daikin Mini Split Cost?
This Daikin Cost & Size calculator will help you estimate installation price for a Daikin Mini Split system, as well system size in BTUs / Tons required for your home.
You will be able to select desired efficiency (SEER) rating, number of zones, as well as optional Cold Climate heating (down to -13°F) capability, and get system size and estimated cost range, based on building size and location.
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DAIKIN residential & commercial Mini Split, VRF and HVAC systems are regarded in US as Tier 1, and mainly compete with other Tier 1 manufacturers such as Mitsubishi, Fujitsu and to a lesser degree, LG.
* Recently Daikin was acquired by Goodman Manufacturing – a major US-based HVAC manufacturer. As far as we know, all Daikin mini-split, VRV and VRF systems are still designed in Japan.
How To Get An Accurate Daikin Heat Pump Price Estimate
For an accurate price quote, it is essential that you enter correct numbers and select appropriate options during the calculation.
NOTE: Larger areas such as combined living / dining / kitchen area, can be serviced by a single large capacity indoor unit. A baster bedroom + master bath can be serviced by a single concealed duct indoor unit, etc.
Keep in mind – even a “lower” 18 SEER system will twice as efficient as a 10 years old Central Air HVAC system, and you will also see significant electric usage reduction by not having 15-30% heat loss from the leaky ductwork, and another 5-15% reduction by operating only the zones that are occupied.
Because even the low end Daikin mini-splits are very efficient, we feel it’s more important to select appropriate heating capability for your home – see step 5.
Non-standard indoor units will typically cost $400-$1500 more per zone. See more information about available indoor units in the Daikin brochure.
Even if you have 1 week of -10°F weather per year, a standard heat model will simply not operate at all, as it does not have enough heating capacity, and it’s likely that you will be without heat during these cold days (if your mini split is the primary heating system).

Our calculator will (in most cases) automatically detect your state.
However if you live in states like NEW YORK, UTAH, COLORADO, NEVADA, ARIZONA, etc, you may have 2 or even 3 different climate zones in your state, ranging from moderate to extreme heat, to extreme cold climates within same states.
It is essential that you select proper climate zone to get accurate system size in BTUs, and appropriate heating capacity, as well as local “cost of living” adjustment.
Daikin Mini Split Cost Break Down
A typical standard efficiency (18-20 SEER and -5°F heating) Daikin mini split will cost about $3,870 – $4,920 for a single zone system.
A 4-zone mini-split will cost about $13,210 – $16,090. Both assume wall-mounted indoor unit(s).
For a hyper heat option you will need to pay about $400 – $500 more per zone.
While you may end up paying as much as $2500 to $3500 more for a full house Hyper Heat (cold climate) Daikin mini-split HVAC system, you will often qualify for $5000-$10000 more in state/federal rebates & tax credits **
Energy Savings With a high-end Daikin mini-split, will also be saving about 10% or more amount on electric costs, as Hyper Heat Daikin mini splits all have 20 or more SEER, compared to 17-18 SEER for standard efficiency models.
If you are upgrading from an older Central AC system (which will likely be 9-13 SEER), your energy savings can be over 50%, when you account for nearly 100% more efficiency, and elimination of as much as 20% loss in the ductwork.
Resulting energy savings can be about $1,130 / year (over $5,500-7,000 in 5 years) for a typical 2000 sq. ft. home located in New York / New Jersey area!
** Depending on rebates available in your state, as well as your federal tax obligations. Rebate amounts are not guaranteed, and will vary, based on multiple criteria. We base our estimated rebate on current available information from NY State information.
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Daikin Heat Pump Options
On the residential side, Daikin offers several lines with different efficiencies and Cold Climate performance.
Most notable are AURORA, ATMOSPHERA, MSX and RMSX, that come in 1 to 8 zone configurations, as well as VRV for small commercial, up-to 18 zones.
For most homeowners, you will likely go with a single-zone or AURORA / ATMOSPHERA system, or 2-5 zone AURORA / MSX / RMSX systme.
Main differences between these are the cost, as well as SEER ratings from 18 to 27, and Cold Climate heating of -5°F and -13°F.
Our calculator will automatically price an appropriate system based on number of zones, SEER rating and desired Heating performance. If you need more than 5 zones, multiple systems will be priced in.
PRO TIP: If you live in colder climates, we strongly recommend installing a Hyper Heat (cold climate) heating option, that will heat your home when outside temperatures are as low as -13°F.
Not only you will be able to use your Daikin Heat Pump is a primary heating system, but may also qualify for Energy Efficient Heat rebates/credits (as much as $10,000 to $15,000) that many norther states now offer.
Our calculator will automatically select the Hyper Heat option, if you live in colder states (Climate Zones 1, 2 and 3), based on the state where you are located.
Is A Daikin Mini Split Worth The Cost?
If you value piece of mind, and don’t want to deal with breakdowns, repair, and excessive maintenance, but also want to have an efficient and reliable ductless heat pump – Daikin offers all of the above, as well as cost saving of about 10-15% compared to similar Mitsubishi mini-split offerings.
Daikin pricing is on par with another Tier 1 Japanese HVAC manufacturer – Fujitsu, and offers similar SEER and Heating options.
If Daikin upfront cost is overwhelming, but you still want a good and efficient ductless heat pump with Hyper Heating options, consider Cooper & Hunter (C&H) – a budget friendly HVAC brand.
C&H products are made by world’s 2nd largest HVAC equipment manufacturer MIDEA, and offer with wide array of mini-split systems that will cost about 25-30% less, but still provide adequate performance.
Keep in mind though, that Mitsubishi, Daikin and Fujitsu are considered Tier 1 for a reason, and most architects / specifiers and building designers will usually specify only these 3 companies for new construction projects (multi-unit apartment complexes, office buildings, and single family homes alike).